Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Survived the Six month checkup

My little guy is weighing in at 20 pounds and supposedly on track to be over 6 feet tall.  My goodness!  He is growing well and was had a great time crawling around the examination table.  He cried a bit when he got his shot but recovered well.  Unfortunately, he has had some side effects from the shot, namely restlessness through the night that has left us both very tired. 

Grabbing is getting to be his favorite past time.  Nursing on the couch yesterday, he suddenly was eating the remote and today I found myself wearing my morning tea.  The lesson is: mama must be very careful with what goes on the shelf behind the couch, as in nothing is safe from Reachy McGrabsalot. No problem, I can do that.

Mobility is also blowing my mind.  He is not crawling exactly but can turn and turn and scoot where ever he wants to go. Backwards is also a favorite direction.  When the motivation is there, he's determined to get there. It's entrancing to watch him explore his world.  I love every moment.

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