Saturday, June 29, 2013

Movie lover & hater

I rarely have mellow reactions to films. I like it, or I'm angry. A lousy movie can spoil an evening and spill over to the next day.  Do I think this is one of my more endearing qualities? No. Do I intend on changing? No.

 I love to take movies on fully and be immersed in the characters and story.  The price of that is occasional disappointment when faced with a poorly crafted film. Of which there are many. I will be reviewing new movies I see here and also blathering on about some of my favorites, but first I must tell you a little more about my feelings about movies.

I consider films the same way I think about dreams.  Like little windows into understanding masked with sometimes outlandish characters and settings that can be deconstructed into important personal meaning.  A movie should entertain while you are watching it but should later linger as you wonder how it relates to your life as you would a dream.  This extremely personal and perhaps self indulgent view of films has me locked in and always looking for more.  But most important to understand is that I rarely think of them as a project created by lots of people as a job for profit who sometimes don't give a fig for viewer enlightenment.  This is exactly why I failed to break into the film industry. There, I said it.

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