Thursday, July 31, 2014

Morning at the farm

When my mothers friend invited us to visit her garden I expected to visit a garden, what we visited was a farm! Blueberry bushes and raspberry bushes hanging heavy with fruit.  Cucumbers and zucchini just begging to be picked.  Fire wood stacked here.  Saplings growing there.  Sunflowers on thick stalks ready to burst.  It was magical and heaven for any wanna be Gardener like me.

But that's not the best part!  I was told that we were going to let my little guys "feed the fish."  I will admit right now my suburbanites mind pictured a coy pond in the corner of a manicured yard and my son sprinkling in some store bought fish food. Oh no, that was far from the experience we had! The pond was big and had a tiny dock with old wagon wheels on one end.  First we had to dig. Why did we dig? To get worms of course!  With some wigglers in the bucket down to the pond we went and I was skeptical.  Shame on me! Those fish came to gobble each worm dropped in such a frenzy it was thrilling! What a good time we had.  Sorry worms, but as I was told "that's life on the farm!"

In the afternoon we played at the beach and then I made dinner of pork tenderloin and all those veggies gifted to us- summer squash and zucchini and green beans, plus beet greens and lettuce in a salad.

A moment in between

It's my second morning waking up in my mothers home in Maine.  I have decided to use my long forgotton blog to journal my trip.  I think perhaps I can jot a note or two during nap time or at other moments in between the busy-ness of the day.

Yesterday when I got up with my little one (who at 19 m is really only little in relativity but is actually big in many ways) we ended up going for a walk barefoot with grandma.  I think we were all excited to be together in this calm and cool place, surrounded by beauty but most importantly OUT of the car.  The previous evenings trip left us all weary and drained.

Then I made bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast in my moms old cast iron skillet that I am just in love with.  New ones just aren't as good.

The rest of the day was equally simple.  We saw a garter snake in the driveway, a backhoe on the island, waded at the beach, and did some grocery shopping.  I even got a shower in and I am already feeling recharged and relaxed after one day. What a great feeling!

Cherishing moments can be a tall order when there is always so much to do.  Diapers, meals, social obligations.  Today and yesterday I was wondering about those times when you get "trapped" by your child who has fallen asleep and you want to "sneak out" and "get something done." I try my best to talk myself out of leaving, hoping he will just roll over eventually and that means I can go but that I should stay in that moment as long as I can.  And that everytime he wants me to carry him I should because the time I can carry him is so short.  It is impossible to keep these lofty ideals of stopping the world constantly, but it's important to me that I do it some times.  The rest of the time I think to myself, " I gotta get out of here... Should I move away slow like a glacier or rip myself off quick like a bandaid??"